Source code for petastorm.reader

#  Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import collections
import logging
import os
import warnings

import six
from pyarrow import parquet as pq
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse

import petastorm.shuffle_options
from petastorm.cache import NullCache
from petastorm.etl import dataset_metadata, rowgroup_indexing
from petastorm.fs_utils import FilesystemResolver
from petastorm.ngram import NGram
from petastorm.predicates import PredicateBase
from petastorm.reader_impl.reader_v2 import ReaderV2
from petastorm.reader_worker import ReaderWorker
from petastorm.selectors import RowGroupSelectorBase
from petastorm.workers_pool import EmptyResultError
from petastorm.workers_pool.thread_pool import ThreadPool
from petastorm.workers_pool.ventilator import ConcurrentVentilator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# For backward compatibility. Would clean this up with package reorganization in the future
ShuffleOptions = petastorm.shuffle_options.ShuffleOptions

# Make it easier to import as "from petastorm.reader import ReaderV2"
ReaderV2 = ReaderV2

# Ventilator guarantees that no more than workers + _VENTILATE_EXTRA_ROWGROUPS are processed at a moment by a
# worker pool. This guarantees that we don't run out of memory if data consumer is slower than the Reader.

[docs]class Reader(object): """Reads a dataset from a Petastorm dataset. :ivar last_row_consumed: True if the last row was already returned by the Reader. """ def __init__(self, dataset_url, schema_fields=None, shuffle=None, predicate=None, rowgroup_selector=None, reader_pool=None, num_epochs=1, sequence=None, training_partition=None, num_training_partitions=None, cache=None, shuffle_options=None, pyarrow_filesystem=None): """Initializes a reader object. :param dataset_url: an filepath or a url to a parquet directory, e.g. ``'hdfs://some_hdfs_cluster/user/yevgeni/parquet8'``, or ``'/tmp/mydataset'``. :param schema_fields: Either list of unischema fields to subset, or ``None`` to read all fields. OR an NGram object, then it will return an NGram of the specified properties. :param predicate: instance of predicate object to filter rows to be returned by reader. :param rowgroup_selector: instance of row group selector object to select row groups to be read :param reader_pool: parallelization pool. ``ThreadPool(10)`` (10 threads) is used by default. This pool is a custom implementation used to parallelize reading data from the dataset. Any object from workers_pool package can be used (e.g. :class:`petastorm.workers_pool.process_pool.ProcessPool`). :param num_epochs: An epoch is a single pass over all rows in the dataset. Setting ``num_epochs`` to ``None`` will result in an infinite number of epochs. :param training_partition: An int denoting the partition number used for multi node training. Each node should pass in a unique partition number in the range ``[0, num_training_partitions)``. ``num_training_partitions`` must be supplied as well. :param num_training_partitions: An int denoting the number of training partitions (how many nodes are performing the multi node training). :param cache: An object conforming to :class:`.CacheBase` interface. Before loading row groups from a parquet file the Reader will attempt to load these values from cache. Caching is useful when communication to the main data store is either slow or expensive and the local machine has large enough storage to store entire dataset (or a partition of a dataset if num_training_partitions is used). By default, use the :class:`.NullCache` implementation. :param shuffle_options: ShuffleOptions object to describe how to shuffle dataset (supercedes shuffle parameter) defaults to shuffling row groups but not to drop rows based on partitions. :param pyarrow_filesystem: An instance of ``pyarrow.FileSystem`` instance that will be use. If not specified, then a default one will be selected based on the url. The default hdfs driver is ``libhdfs3``. If you want to to use ``libhdfs``, use ``pyarrow_filesystem=pyarrow.hdfs.connect('hdfs:///some/path', driver='libhdfs')``. :param sequence: *DEPRECATED* To use sequence/ngram, please supply the argument in ``schema_fields`` instead. :param shuffle: *DEPRECATED* Boolean whether to shuffle the row group order. Use ``shuffle_row_groups`` in :class:`.ShuffleOptions` instead. """ # 1. Resolve dataset path (hdfs://, file://) and open the parquet storage (dataset) # 2. Get a list of all groups # 3. Filter rowgroups # a. predicates # b. row-group selector (our indexing mechanism) # c. partition: used to get a subset of data for distributed training # 4. Create a rowgroup ventilator object # 5. Start workers pool if dataset_url is None or not isinstance(dataset_url, six.string_types): raise ValueError("""dataset_url must be a string""") if not (isinstance(schema_fields, collections.Iterable) or isinstance(schema_fields, NGram) or schema_fields is None): raise ValueError("""Fields must be either None, an iterable collection of Unischema fields or an NGram object.""") if sequence is not None: raise ValueError("""'sequence' argument of Reader object is deprecated. Please pass an NGram instance to 'schema_fields' argument instead.""") self.ngram = schema_fields if isinstance(schema_fields, NGram) else None if self.ngram and not self.ngram.timestamp_overlap and shuffle_options.shuffle_row_drop_partitions > 1: raise NotImplementedError('Using timestamp_overlap=False is not implemented with' ' shuffle_options.shuffle_row_drop_partitions > 1') cache = cache or NullCache() dataset_url = dataset_url[:-1] if dataset_url[-1] == '/' else dataset_url self._workers_pool = reader_pool or ThreadPool(10) # 1. Resolve dataset path (hdfs://, file://) and open the parquet storage (dataset) logger.debug('dataset_url: %s', dataset_url) if pyarrow_filesystem is not None: filesystem = pyarrow_filesystem dataset_path = urlparse(dataset_url).path else: resolver = FilesystemResolver(dataset_url) filesystem = resolver.filesystem() dataset_path = resolver.parsed_dataset_url().path self.dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(dataset_path, filesystem=filesystem, validate_schema=False) # Get a unischema stored in the dataset metadata. stored_schema = dataset_metadata.get_schema(self.dataset) # Make a schema view (a view is a Unischema containing only a subset of fields # Will raise an exception if invalid schema fields are in schema_fields fields = schema_fields if isinstance(schema_fields, collections.Iterable) else None self.schema = stored_schema.create_schema_view(fields) if fields else stored_schema # 2. Get a list of all groups row_groups = dataset_metadata.load_row_groups(self.dataset) # 3. Filter rowgroups filtered_row_group_indexes, worker_predicate = self._filter_row_groups(self.dataset, row_groups, predicate, rowgroup_selector, training_partition, num_training_partitions) # 4. Create a rowgroup ventilator object if shuffle_options is None: if shuffle is None: shuffle = True else: logger.warning('shuffle option is deprecated. Please use shuffle_options instead') shuffle_options = petastorm.shuffle_options.ShuffleOptions(shuffle) self._normalize_shuffle_options(shuffle_options, self.dataset) ventilator = self._create_ventilator(filtered_row_group_indexes, shuffle_options, num_epochs, worker_predicate, self._workers_pool.workers_count + _VENTILATE_EXTRA_ROWGROUPS) # 5. Start workers pool self._workers_pool.start(ReaderWorker, (dataset_url, self.schema, self.ngram, row_groups, cache, filesystem), ventilator=ventilator) logger.debug('Workers pool started') self.last_row_consumed = False # _result self._result_buffer = [] def _filter_row_groups(self, dataset, row_groups, predicate, rowgroup_selector, training_partition, num_training_partitions): """Calculates which rowgroups will be read during. The following filters are applied: - predicates; - row-group selector (our indexing mechanism); - training partition :param dataset: ParquetDataset instance :param row_groups: a list of row groups (a list of ParquetDatasetPiece objects) :param predicate: instance of predicate object to filter rows to be returned by reader. :param rowgroup_selector: instance of row group selector object to select row groups to be read :param training_partition: An int denoting the partition number used for multi node training. Each node should pass in a unique partition number in the range [0, num_training_partitions). num_training_partitions must be supplied as well. :param num_training_partitions An int denoting the number of training partitions (how many nodes are performing the multi node training) :return: (filtered_row_group_indexes, worker_predicate): filtered_row_group_indexes an integer index into row_groups array. worker_predicate contains only predicates that could not be resolved on the partitioned fields and need to be evaluated by workers. """ filtered_row_group_indexes, worker_predicate = \ self._apply_predicate_to_row_groups(dataset, row_groups, predicate) if rowgroup_selector: filtered_row_group_indexes = self._apply_row_group_selector(dataset, rowgroup_selector, filtered_row_group_indexes) if training_partition is not None or num_training_partitions is not None: filtered_row_group_indexes = self._partition_row_groups(dataset, row_groups, num_training_partitions, training_partition, filtered_row_group_indexes) return filtered_row_group_indexes, worker_predicate def _partition_row_groups(self, dataset, row_groups, num_training_partitions, training_partition, filtered_row_group_indexes): """Filters the list of row group indexes based on the requested training partitions. Returns a modified list of rowgroup indexes.""" if not num_training_partitions \ or not isinstance(training_partition, int) \ or not isinstance(num_training_partitions, int): raise ValueError('partition and num_partitions must be ints and both specified to use partitioning') # We hash on the relative path of each parquet file to guarantee consistency between different reader # constructions even after moving the dataset filtered_row_group_indexes = [index for index in filtered_row_group_indexes if hash(os.path.relpath(row_groups[index].path, dataset.paths)) % num_training_partitions == training_partition] return filtered_row_group_indexes def _apply_row_group_selector(self, dataset, rowgroup_selector, filtered_row_group_indexes): """Filters the list of row group indexes using rowgroup selector object. Returns a modified list of rowgroup indexes.""" if not isinstance(rowgroup_selector, RowGroupSelectorBase): raise ValueError('rowgroup_selector parameter is expected to be derived from RowGroupSelectorBase') # Load indexes from metadata available_row_group_indexes = rowgroup_indexing.get_row_group_indexes(dataset) required_indexes = rowgroup_selector.get_index_names() if not set(required_indexes).issubset(set(available_row_group_indexes.keys())): raise ValueError('Some of required indexes {} are not available in {}'.format( required_indexes, list(available_row_group_indexes.keys()))) selected_indexes = rowgroup_selector.select_row_groups(available_row_group_indexes) # include only selected_indexes but in filtered_row_group_indexes order filtered_row_group_indexes = [idx for idx in filtered_row_group_indexes if idx in selected_indexes] return filtered_row_group_indexes def _apply_predicate_to_row_groups(self, dataset, row_groups, predicate): """Filters the list of row group indexes using rowgroup selector object. Returns a modified list of rowgroup indexes and a list of worker_predicate: predicates that could not be applied at this level (parquet partitioning).""" if predicate: if not isinstance(predicate, PredicateBase): raise ValueError('predicate parameter is expected to be derived from PredicateBase') predicate_fields = predicate.get_fields() if set(predicate_fields) == dataset.partitions.partition_names: assert len(dataset.partitions.partition_names) == 1, \ 'Datasets with only a single partition level supported at the moment' filtered_row_group_indexes = [] for piece_index, piece in enumerate(row_groups): partition_name, partition_index = piece.partition_keys[0] partition_value = dataset.partitions[0].keys[partition_index] if predicate.do_include({partition_name: partition_value}): filtered_row_group_indexes.append(piece_index) worker_predicate = None else: filtered_row_group_indexes = list(range(len(row_groups))) worker_predicate = predicate else: filtered_row_group_indexes = list(range(len(row_groups))) worker_predicate = None return filtered_row_group_indexes, worker_predicate @staticmethod def _normalize_shuffle_options(shuffle_options, dataset): """Checks that shuffle_options doesnt ask for more patitions than rows in a row group. This prevents sending partitions to workers which will result in not reading anything.""" if shuffle_options.shuffle_row_drop_partitions > 1 and dataset.metadata and dataset.metadata.num_row_groups: max_rows_in_row_group = 1 for i in six.moves.xrange(dataset.metadata.num_row_groups): max_rows_in_row_group = max(max_rows_in_row_group, dataset.metadata.row_group(i).num_rows) shuffle_options.shuffle_row_drop_partitions = min(shuffle_options.shuffle_row_drop_partitions, max_rows_in_row_group) def _create_ventilator(self, row_group_indexes, shuffle_options, num_epochs, worker_predicate, max_ventilation_queue_size): items_to_ventilate = [] for piece_index in row_group_indexes: for shuffle_row_drop_partition in range(shuffle_options.shuffle_row_drop_partitions): items_to_ventilate.append( {'piece_index': piece_index, 'worker_predicate': worker_predicate, 'shuffle_row_drop_partition': (shuffle_row_drop_partition, shuffle_options.shuffle_row_drop_partitions)}) return ConcurrentVentilator(self._workers_pool.ventilate, items_to_ventilate, iterations=num_epochs, max_ventilation_queue_size=max_ventilation_queue_size, randomize_item_order=shuffle_options.shuffle_row_groups)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops all worker threads/processes.""" self._workers_pool.stop()
[docs] def join(self): """Joins all worker threads/processes. Will block until all worker workers have been fully terminated.""" self._workers_pool.join()
[docs] def fetch(self, timeout=None): warning_message = 'fetch is deprecated. Please use iterator api to fetch data instead.' warnings.warn(warning_message, DeprecationWarning) # Since warnings are generally ignored in av, print out a logging warning as well logger.warn(warning_message) return self._workers_pool.get_results()
@property def diagnostics(self): return self._workers_pool.diagnostics def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): try: # We are receiving decoded rows from the worker in chunks. We store the list internally # and return a single item upon each consequent call to __next__ if not self._result_buffer: # Reverse order, so we can pop from the end of the list in O(1) while maintaining # order the items are returned from the worker rows_as_dict = list(reversed(self._workers_pool.get_results())) if self.ngram: for ngram_row in rows_as_dict: for timestamp in ngram_row.keys(): row = ngram_row[timestamp] schema_at_timestamp = self.ngram.get_schema_at_timestep(self.schema, timestamp) ngram_row[timestamp] = schema_at_timestamp.make_namedtuple(**row) self._result_buffer = rows_as_dict else: self._result_buffer = [self.schema.make_namedtuple(**row) for row in rows_as_dict] return self._result_buffer.pop() except EmptyResultError: self.last_row_consumed = True raise StopIteration
[docs] def next(self): return self.__next__()
# Functions needed to treat reader as a context manager def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop() self.join()