Release notes

Release 0.7.0

Thanks to our new contributer: Rémy Saissy!

Breaking changes

  • transform argument of the petastorm.pytorch.DataLoader class was superseeded by transform_spec argument of make_reader/make_batch_reader functions.

New features and bug fixes

  • pyarrow==0.12.1 compatibility issues fixes.
  • Ignore list-of-lists and list-of-structs columns (with a warning) when loading data from Apache Parquet store. This is useful when reading from an existing Parquet store that has these incompatible types.
  • Added a mutex synchronizing readout from the results queue. Previously, race condition could have caused loss of some samples when fetching samples from Reader object from multiple threads.

Release 0.6.0

Thanks to our new contributers: Kim Hammar and Joshua Goller!

Breaking changes

  • petastorm.etl.dataset_metadata.materialize_dataset() should be passed a filesystem factory method instead of a pyarrow filesystem object. This change was made to fix a serialization bug that occurred during distributed reads (#280)

New features and bug fixes

  • Added functionality for transform-on-worker thread/pool. The transform enables PyTorch users to run preprocessing code on worker processes/threads. It enables Tensorflow users to parallelize Python preprocessing code on a process pool, as part of the training/evaluation graph. Users now specify a transform_spec when calling make_reader() or make_batch_reader().
  • Added hdfs_driver argument to the following functions: get_schema_from_dataset_url, FilesystemResolver, generate_petastorm_metadata, build_rowgroup_index, RowGroupLoader, dataset_as_rdd and copy_dataset
  • the Docker container in /docker has been made into a workspace container aimed to support development on MacOS.
  • New hello_world examples added for using non-Petastorm datasets.
  • Allow for unicode strings to be passed as regex filters in Unischema when selecting which columns to read.
  • Fixed a bug that caused all columns of a dataset to be read when schema_fields=NGram(...) was used.
  • Fixed type of an argument passed to a predicate when the predicate is defined on a numeric partition field
  • Support regular unicode strings as expressions as a value of make_reader’s schema_fields argument.
  • Emit a warning when opening a Petastorm-created dataset using make_batch_reader (make_batch_reader currently does not support Petastorm specific types, such as tensors).

Release 0.5.1

Breaking changes


New features and bug fixes

  • make_batch_reader and make_reader now take an optional schema_fields argument. The argument may contain a list of field names or regular expression patterns that define a set of columns loaded from a parquet store.
  • The following data types are now supported when opening a non-Petastorm Parquet store using make_batch_reader:
    • DateType
    • TimestampType
    • ArrayType

Release 0.5.0

Breaking changes

  • make_reader() should be used to create new instance of a reader.
  • It is still possible, but not recommended to use Reader in most cases. Its constructor arguments has changed:
  • training_partition and num_training_partitions were renamed into cur_shard and shard_count.
  • shuffle and shuffle_options were replaced by shuffle_row_groups=True, shuffle_row_drop_partitions=1
  • sequence argument was removed

New features and bug fixes

  • It is possible to read non-Petastorm Parquet datasets (created externally to Petastorm). Currently most of the scalar types are supported.
  • Support s3 as the protocol in a dataset url strings (e.g. ‘s3://…’)
  • PyTorch: support collating decimal scalars
  • PyTorch: promote integer types that are not supported by PyTorch to the next larger integer types that is supported (e.g. int8 -> int16). Booleans are promoted to uint8.
  • Support running on datasets created by Hive.
  • Fix incorrect dataset sharding when using Python 3.

Release 0.4.3

New features and bug fixes

  • A command line utility Makes it easier to create subsets (columns/rows) of existing petastorm datasets.
  • Add option to use custom pyarrow filesystem when materializing datasets.
  • Limit memory usage correctly when using Reader with ProcessPool.
  • Added --pyarrow-serialize switch to benchmarking command line utility.
  • Faster serialization (using pyarrow.serialize) in ProcessPool implementation. Now decimal types are supported.
  • More information in reader.diagnostics property.
  • Check if a –unischema string passed to petastorm-generate-metadata is actually a Unischema instance.
  • Fixed race condition in ProcessPool resulting in indefinite wait on ProcessPool shutdown.
  • Force loading pyarrow before torch. Helps to avoid a segfault (documented in docs/toubleshoot.rst)
  • Fixed mnist training examples.
  • Make dependency on opencv optional in

Release 0.4.2

New features and bug fixes

  • Making decimal.Decimal to be decoded as decimal, as in before 0.4.0.
  • Adding a benchmark module with a command line utility.

Release 0.4.0, 0.4.1

Breaking changes

  • All decimal.Decimal fields are now decoded as strings
  • PredicateBase moved from petastorm package to petastorm.predicates
  • RowGroupSelectorBase moved from petastorm package to petastorm.selectors

New features and bug fixes

  • Added WeightedSamplingReader: aggregates multiple Reader output by sampling them with a specified probabilityWeightedSamplingReader see documentation.
  • Add option for driver memory in regenerating metadata
  • petastorm-generate-metadata command line tool renamed to
  • pytorch support (petastorm.pytorch.DataLoader class)
  • pytorch and tensorflow mnist model training
  • Added CompressedNdarrayCodec codec
  • Support passing pyarrow filesystem as Reader construction argument
  • Speedup serialization (use pyarrow.serialize) when ProcessPool is used.
  • New, experimental, implementation of reader: ReaderV2.