Source code for petastorm.etl.petastorm_generate_metadata

#  Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Uber Technologies, Inc.
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"""Script to add petastorm metadata to an existing parquet dataset"""

import argparse
import sys
from pydoc import locate

from pyarrow import parquet as pq
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

from petastorm.etl.dataset_metadata import materialize_dataset, get_schema, ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY
from petastorm.etl.rowgroup_indexing import ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY
from petastorm.fs_utils import FilesystemResolver
from petastorm.unischema import Unischema
from petastorm.utils import add_to_dataset_metadata

example_text = '''Example (some replacement required):

Locally: \\
    --dataset_url hdfs:///path/to/my/hello_world_dataset \\
    --unischema_class examples.hello_world.generate_hello_world_dataset.HelloWorldSchema \\
    --master local[*]

On Spark:
spark-submit \\
    --master spark://ip:port \\
    $(which \\
    --dataset_url hdfs:///path/to/my/hello_world_dataset \\
    --unischema_class examples.hello_world.generate_hello_world_dataset.HelloWorldSchema

[docs]def generate_petastorm_metadata(spark, dataset_url, unischema_class=None, use_summary_metadata=False, hdfs_driver='libhdfs3'): """ Generates metadata necessary to read a petastorm dataset to an existing dataset. :param spark: spark session :param dataset_url: url of existing dataset :param unischema_class: (optional) fully qualified dataset unischema class. If not specified will attempt to find one already in the dataset. (e.g. :class:`examples.hello_world.generate_hello_world_dataset.HelloWorldSchema`) :param hdfs_driver: A string denoting the hdfs driver to use (if using a dataset on hdfs). Current choices are libhdfs (java through JNI) or libhdfs3 (C++) """ sc = spark.sparkContext resolver = FilesystemResolver(dataset_url, sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration(), hdfs_driver=hdfs_driver) fs = resolver.filesystem() dataset = pq.ParquetDataset( resolver.get_dataset_path(), filesystem=fs, validate_schema=False) if unischema_class: schema = locate(unischema_class) if not isinstance(schema, Unischema): raise ValueError('The specified class %s is not an instance of a petastorm.Unischema object.', unischema_class) else: try: schema = get_schema(dataset) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unischema class could not be located in existing dataset,' ' please specify it') # In order to be backwards compatible, we retrieve the common metadata from the dataset before # overwriting the metadata to keep row group indexes and the old row group per file index arrow_metadata = dataset.common_metadata or None with materialize_dataset(spark, dataset_url, schema, use_summary_metadata=use_summary_metadata, filesystem_factory=resolver.filesystem_factory()): if use_summary_metadata: # Inside the materialize dataset context we just need to write the metadata file as the schema will # be written by the context manager. # We use the java ParquetOutputCommitter to write the metadata file for the existing dataset # which will read all the footers of the dataset in parallel and merge them. hadoop_config = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration() Path = parquet_output_committer = parquet_output_committer.writeMetaDataFile(hadoop_config, Path(dataset_url)) spark.stop() if use_summary_metadata and arrow_metadata: # When calling writeMetaDataFile it will overwrite the _common_metadata file which could have schema information # or row group indexers. Therefore we want to retain this information and will add it to the new # _common_metadata file. If we were using the old legacy metadata method this file wont be deleted base_schema = arrow_metadata.schema.to_arrow_schema() metadata_dict = base_schema.metadata if ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY in metadata_dict: add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY, metadata_dict[ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY]) if ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY in metadata_dict: add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY, metadata_dict[ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY])
def _main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='petastorm_generate_metadata', description='Add necessary petastorm metadata to an existing dataset', epilog=example_text, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--dataset_url', help='the url to the dataset base directory', required=True) parser.add_argument('--unischema_class', help='the fully qualified class of the dataset unischema. If not specified will attempt' ' to reuse schema already in dataset. ' '(e.g. examples.hello_world.generate_hello_world_dataset.HelloWorldSchema)', required=False) parser.add_argument('--master', type=str, help='Spark master. Default if not specified. To run on a local machine, specify ' '"local[W]" (where W is the number of local spark workers, e.g. local[10])') parser.add_argument('--spark-driver-memory', type=str, help='The amount of memory the driver process will have', default='4g') parser.add_argument('--use-summary-metadata', action='store_true', help='Whether to use the parquet summary metadata format.' ' Not scalable for large amounts of columns and/or row groups.') parser.add_argument('--hdfs-driver', type=str, default='libhdfs3', help='A string denoting the hdfs driver to use (if using a dataset on hdfs). ' 'Current choices are libhdfs (java through JNI) or libhdfs3 (C++)') args = parser.parse_args(args) # Open Spark Session spark_session = SparkSession \ .builder \ .appName("Petastorm Generate Metadata") \ .config('spark.driver.memory', args.spark_driver_memory) if args.master: spark_session.master(args.master) spark = spark_session.getOrCreate() generate_petastorm_metadata(spark, args.dataset_url, args.unischema_class, args.use_summary_metadata, hdfs_driver=args.hdfs_driver) # Shut down the spark sessions and context spark.stop()
[docs]def main(): _main(sys.argv[1:])
if __name__ == '__main__': _main(sys.argv[1:])